International Film Festival Rotterdam welcomes fifty-seven young film producers taking part in the fourteenth edition of Rotterdam Lab. The participants of CineMart’s successful event for emerging...
Op zondag 26 januari zijn Sebastian Buerkner's The Chimera of M. (UK), Salla Tykkä's Giant (Finland/Roemenië) en La isla van Dominga Sotomayor en Katarzyna Klimkiewicz (Chili/Polen/Denemarken) in L...
On Sunday 26 January, the three equal Canon Tiger Awards for Short Films 2014 were awarded to Sebastian Buerkner's The Chimera of M. (United Kingdom), Salla Tykkä's Giant (Finland/Romania) and La i...
International Film Festival Rotterdam 2014 closes Saturday 1 February with the Dutch premiere of We Are The Best!, the latest film by Swedish director Lukas Moodysson (Fucking Åmål, Mammoth). Ticke...
Op zaterdagavond 1 februari 2014 sluit de 43ste editie van International Film Festival Rotterdam af met de voorpremière van We Are The Best!, de nieuwste film van de Zweedse regisseur Lukas Moodyss...
International Film Festival Rotterdam adds How to Survive…, a program focusing on and broadening the idea of contemporary survival, to its thematic Signals section. Acknowledging the fact that glob...
Fifteen first or second features films by talented filmmakers from around the globe have been selected for IFFR's Hivos Tiger Awards Competition 2014. They will compete for three equal Hivos Tiger ...
• IFFR to honor Nils Malmros with a retrospective • Focus on Heinz Emigholz in Signals: Regained The 43rd edition of International Film Festival Rotterdam puts the spotlight on two remarkable a...
Rotterdam's Bright Future and Spectrum sections provide both an overview as well as an update of contemporary world cinema. Having been brought together by IFFR's team of programmers, each selectin...
Vijftien eerste of tweede speelfilms gemaakt door getalenteerde filmmakers van over de hele wereld zijn geselecteerd voor de Hivos Tiger Awards Competitie van International Film Festival Rotterdam ...
During IFFR 2014, 24 films will compete for the three Canon Tiger Awards for Short Films. The full programme of Tiger and Spectrum Shorts, with 217 short and mid-length films, will be screened from...
Tijdens IFFR 2014 strijden vierentwintig films om de drie Canon Tiger Awards for Short Films. Het volledige programma van Tiger en Spectrum Shorts met 217 korte en middellange films wordt van donde...
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