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    Sandra den Hamer leaves Rotterdam film festival

    International Film Festival Rotterdam 37th edition: Jan 23 – Feb 3, 2008 PRESS RELEASE April 25, 2007 Director leaves International Film Festival Rotterdam Sandra den Hamer leaves the Inter...

    Das Leben de Anderen wint KPN Publieksprijs

    Das Leben der Anderen wint KPN Publieksprijs  Meer buitenlandse festivalgasten en bezoekers Het 36e International Film Festival Rotterdam heeft meer buitenlandse gasten getrokken ten opzichte va...

    Das Leben der Anderen wins Audience Award

    THE LIVES OF OTHERS wins KPN Audience Award Audience and international guests figures up The 36th International Film Festival Rotterdam has attracted more international festival guests then duri...

    VPRO Tiger Awards uitgereikt (NL)

    PERSBERICHT 2 februari 2007 Juries reiken prijzen uit aan films uit het IFFR 2007-programma VPRO Tiger Awards gaan naar Maleisië, Duitsland, Brazilië en Denemarken In Concert- en congresgebouw de...

    VPRO Tiger Award 2007 awarded

    Juries award films from the IFFR 2007 programme VPRO Tiger Awards go to Malaysia, Germany, Brazil, Denmark During the IFFR 2007 Awards Ceremony on Friday, February 2, 2007 in Concert and Congr...

    Reprise wint MovieSquad Award (NL)

    PERSBERICHT 1 februari 2007 Jongerenjury bekroont Noorse speelfilm REPRISE De speelfilm REPRISE van Joachim Trier (Noorwegen) heeft donderdagavond 1 februari 2007 op het International Film Festi...

    Reprise wins MovieSquad Award

    PRESS RELEASE February 1, 2007 Rotterdam young people’s jury awards REPRISE by Joachim Trier Norwegian filmmaker Joachim Trier was honoured with the MovieSquad Award for his film REPRISE on Feb...

    CineMart closes with Arte France Cinema Award

    Arte France Cinema Awards and Prince Claus Fund Film Grant handed out at CineMart 2007 Closing Night Party During the CineMart 2007 Closing Night Party, Wednesday January 31, 2007 in Club Rotterd...

    Slot Cinemart met prijsuitreiking

    Arte France Cinema Awards en Prins Claus Fonds Film Grant uitgereikt op de CineMart 2007 Closing Night Party Tijdens de CineMart 2007 Closing Night Party, woensdagavond 31 januari 2007 in Club Ro...

    juries award short films

    Juries award short films in International Film Festival Rotterdam   During the IFFR 2007 Awards Ceremony for Short Films on Monday, January 29, 2007 in Theatre Lantaren / Venster in Rotterdam, th...

    korte films bekroond op IFFR 2007

    Korte films bekroond op International Film Festival Rotterdam Maandagavond 29 januari 2007 zijn in Theater Lantaren/Venster in Rotterdam de winnaars bekend gemaakt van de Tiger Awards voor korte f...

    French films and filmmakers at IFFR 2007

    French Films and Directors at IFFR 2007 French cinema will once again enjoy a place of honour at the 36th Rotterdam Film Festival, starring great actresses and filmmakers together with numerous ...

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