In 2014 bestaat het Hubert Bals Fonds vijfentwintig jaar. Tijdens de 43ste editie staat International Film Festival Rotterdam uitgebreid stil bij dit jubileum. Het Fonds ondersteunde tot nu toe wer...
2014 marks the 25th anniversary of the Hubert Bals Fund. During the 43rd International Film Festival Rotterdam, the festival will be paying extensive tribute to the Fund and its history. To date,...
International Film Festival Rotterdam's co-production market CineMart completed its selection for the 2014 edition. New projects by acclaimed directors such as Peter Webber, Naomi Kawase, Alessandr...
The Hubert Bals Fund of International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) has selected fourteen film projects to receive grants for post-production and for script and project development. In its Fall 20...
International Film Festival Rotterdam, CPH:DOX and LUX are hosting an ART:FILM Think Tank focusing on the borderland between film and visual arts at this year's Frieze London Art Fair 2013. When...
International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) will turn Rotterdam into the world’s independent film capital for the 43rd time from 22 January until 2 February 2014. As a prelude to the European elec...
Met International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) is Rotterdam van 22 januari tot en met 2 februari 2014 voor de 43e keer de mondiale onafhankelijke filmhoofdstad. Voorafgaand aan de Europese verkie...
Dutch producers Volya Films and Waterland Film have been selected for Hubert Bals Fund Plus in fall 2013. Each receives a grant of €50,000 from the Netherlands Film Fund for co-producing a Hubert B...
Filmprojecten van Volya Films en Waterland Film zijn geselecteerd in de 2013 najaarsronde van Hubert Bals Fonds Plus. De twee producenten ontvangen ieder een realiseringsbijdrage van €50.000 van he...
The Hivos Tiger Awards Competition of International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) gives up-and-coming talent the opportunity to shine on a global stage. IFFR announces the first five films selecte...
In de Hivos Tiger Awards Competitie van International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) strijden niet de gevestigde namen om de eer, maar krijgt beginnend talent de kans om te schitteren. IFFR maakt d...
To request IFFR press releases by email (service available only for media representatives), please contact the Press Office (see contact details on the right). In your email, please mention both yo...
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