The Hivos Tiger Awards Competition of International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) gives up-and-coming talent the opportunity to shine on a global stage. IFFR announces the first five films selecte...
In de Hivos Tiger Awards Competitie van International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) strijden niet de gevestigde namen om de eer, maar krijgt beginnend talent de kans om te schitteren. IFFR maakt d...
To request IFFR press releases by email (service available only for media representatives), please contact the Press Office (see contact details on the right). In your email, please mention both yo...
42nd International Film Festival Rotterdam 23 January - 3 February 2013 PRESS RELEASE 20 December 2012 Rotterdam’s Signals to include Changing Channels and tribute to Kira Muratova Intern...
42ste International Film Festival Rotterdam 23 januari – 3 februari 2013 PERSBERICHT 20 december 2012 IFFR eert Kira Muratova en schenkt aandacht aan televisieseries International Film ...
42ste International Film Festival Rotterdam 23 januari – 3 februari 2013 PERSBERICHT 12 december 2012 CineMart selecteert 33 filmprojecten voor 30e editie CineMart, de coproductiemarkt ...
42nd International Film Festival Rotterdam 23 January – 3 February 2013 PRESS RELEASE 12 December 2012 CineMart selects 33 film projects for 2013 edition CineMart, the International Fil...
42nd International Film Festival Rotterdam 23 January – 3 February 2013 PRESS RELEASE 17 December 2012 Rotterdam Film Festival announces first selections in Bright Future and Spectrum Int...
42nd International Film Festival Rotterdam 23 January - 3 February 2013 PRESS RELEASE 14 December 2012 Rotterdam Film Festival and CineMart to add prizes and Competition The International...
42ste International Film Festival Rotterdam 23 januari – 3 februari 2013 PERSBERICHT 14 december 2012 Nieuwe prijzen en competitie in IFFR en CineMart International Film Festival Rotterda...
42nd International Film Festival Rotterdam 23 January – 3 February 2013 PRESS RELEASE 13 December 2012 World premiere THE RESURRECTION OF A BASTARD opens IFFR 2013 Wednesday 23 January, t...
42ste International Film Festival Rotterdam 23 januari – 3 februari 2013 PERSBERICHT 13 december 2012 IFFR opent met DE WEDEROPSTANDING VAN EEN KLOOTZAK Woensdag 23 januari opent het 42st...
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