IFFR and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds to launch patrons’ fund ‘Tiger Film Mecenaat’
Samenvatting 40th International Film Festival Rotterdam 26 January – 6 February 2011 PRESS RELEASE under IFFR and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds to launch patrons’ fund ‘Tiger Film Mecenaat’ The International Film Festival Rotterdam wishes to involve festival visitors and film-lovers in the finance of exceptional film projects, and has taken the initiative to set up of its own fund for this purpose: the patrons’ fund Tiger Film Mecenaat. This fund has been realised in cooperation with the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, and takes the form of a Registered Culture Fund. The IFFR is the largest multi-day cultural event in the Netherlands and an innovative and leading platform for independent film in an international context. The Cultuurfonds has specialised in private patronage of the arts for more than 70 years. The International Film Festival Rotterdam’s managing director, Janneke Staarink: “It is now clear to everyone that the climate for the finance of the arts and culture in the Netherlands is changing. Arts bodies will increasingly have to look to their grassroots supporters for financial stability, and this includes the IFFR. This requires specific knowledge of private arts patronage, which is something that cannot be gained overnight. This is why we have asked the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds – which has over 70 years of experience of private patronage of the arts in The Netherlands – to work with us on this. They were immediately very enthusiastic. This combining of forces between the IFFR and the Cultuurfonds, in the form of the Tiger Film Mecenaat, is unique of its kind and something we are very proud of.” Adriana Esmeijer, director of the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds: “The Cultuurfonds is the partner for private arts patronage. As an expert in private arts patronage, we are constantly developing new forms of fundraising. Innovation within arts patronage is important to strengthening the cultural sector. Especially now. For this pilot project, the Cultuurfonds has chosen a strong, high-profile partner in the IFFR; an ‘A’ brand. The Cultuurfonds will conduct the management, the administration and the expenditure of this Registered Culture Fund, the Tiger Film Mecenaat. Through a donation to the Tiger Film Mecenaat, donors can profit from the full extent of the donations tax deduction. The Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds is therefore able to offer donors to the Tiger Film Mecenaat the certainty that their money will be well managed and well used." Aims of the Tiger Film Mecenaat The patrons’ fund Tiger Film Mecenaat aims to support independent and innovative film and film-related arts projects from all over the world, and the presentation of these at the International Film Festival Rotterdam. Income from the Fund will enable the IFFR to discover new, international film talent at an early stage and offer a platform to this talent. This will allow the IFFR to forge links with such film talent, further improving its international competitiveness. Donations to the Tiger Film Mecenaat will benefit the activities of the International Film Festival Rotterdam. The management, administration and expenditure of the Tiger Film Mecenaat will be handled by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. This fund already manages more than 260 Registered Culture Funds for private parties, foundations and businesses. The Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds manages the donations and assures the participants that the funds donated will be well managed and put to good use. It will be possible to take part in the Tiger Film Mecenaat from € 300 per annum, by means of a regular donation by notarial instrument. It will also be possible to make a one-off donation to the Tiger Film Mecenaat from a company, foundation or capital fund or to include the Tiger Film Mecenaat as a beneficiary of a will. All information on the Tiger Film Mecenaat can be found at: www.cultuurfonds.nl/tigerfilmmecenaat or www.filmfestivalrotterdam.com/tigerfilmmecenaat. (End of press release) Notes for the editors, not for publication: Press information IFFR: IFFR Press Office, Bert-Jan Zoet or Nancy van Oorschot press@filmfestivalrotterdam.com, +31 (0)10-8909090 Press information Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds: Liesbeth Blijenberg, pers@cultuurfonds.nl, +31 (0)20-5206130
40th International Film Festival Rotterdam 26 January – 6 February 2011
IFFR and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds to launch patrons’ fund ‘Tiger Film Mecenaat’
The International Film Festival Rotterdam wishes to involve festival visitors and film-lovers in the finance of exceptional film projects, and has taken the initiative to set up of its own fund for this purpose: the patrons’ fund Tiger Film Mecenaat. This fund has been realised in cooperation with the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, and takes the form of a Registered Culture Fund. The IFFR is the largest multi-day cultural event in the Netherlands and an innovative and leading platform for independent film in an international context. The Cultuurfonds has specialised in private patronage of the arts for more than 70 years.
The International Film Festival Rotterdam’s managing director, Janneke Staarink: “It is now clear to everyone that the climate for the finance of the arts and culture in the Netherlands is changing. Arts bodies will increasingly have to look to their grassroots supporters for financial stability, and this includes the IFFR. This requires specific knowledge of private arts patronage, which is something that cannot be gained overnight. This is why we have asked the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds – which has over 70 years of experience of private patronage of the arts in The Netherlands – to work with us on this. They were immediately very enthusiastic. This combining of forces between the IFFR and the Cultuurfonds, in the form of the Tiger Film Mecenaat, is unique of its kind and something we are very proud of.”
Adriana Esmeijer, director of the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds: “The Cultuurfonds is the partner for private arts patronage. As an expert in private arts patronage, we are constantly developing new forms of fundraising. Innovation within arts patronage is important to strengthening the cultural sector. Especially now. For this pilot project, the Cultuurfonds has chosen a strong, high-profile partner in the IFFR; an ‘A’ brand. The Cultuurfonds will conduct the management, the administration and the expenditure of this Registered Culture Fund, the Tiger Film Mecenaat. Through a donation to the Tiger Film Mecenaat, donors can profit from the full extent of the donations tax deduction. The Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds is therefore able to offer donors to the Tiger Film Mecenaat the certainty that their money will be well managed and well used."
Aims of the Tiger Film Mecenaat The patrons’ fund Tiger Film Mecenaat aims to support independent and innovative film and film-related arts projects from all over the world, and the presentation of these at the International Film Festival Rotterdam. Income from the Fund will enable the IFFR to discover new, international film talent at an early stage and offer a platform to this talent. This will allow the IFFR to forge links with such film talent, further improving its international competitiveness.
Donations to the Tiger Film Mecenaat will benefit the activities of the International Film Festival Rotterdam. The management, administration and expenditure of the Tiger Film Mecenaat will be handled by the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. This fund already manages more than 260 Registered Culture Funds for private parties, foundations and businesses. The Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds manages the donations and assures the participants that the funds donated will be well managed and put to good use.
It will be possible to take part in the Tiger Film Mecenaat from € 300 per annum, by means of a regular donation by notarial instrument. It will also be possible to make a one-off donation to the Tiger Film Mecenaat from a company, foundation or capital fund or to include the Tiger Film Mecenaat as a beneficiary of a will.
All information on the Tiger Film Mecenaat can be found at: www.cultuurfonds.nl/tigerfilmmecenaat or www.filmfestivalrotterdam.com/tigerfilmmecenaat.
(End of press release)
Notes for the editors, not for publication:
Press information IFFR: IFFR Press Office, Bert-Jan Zoet or Nancy van Oorschot press@filmfestivalrotterdam.com, +31 (0)10-8909090
Press information Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds: Liesbeth Blijenberg, pers@cultuurfonds.nl, +31 (0)20-5206130
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