Filmfestival Rotterdam maakt competities bekend

PERSBERICHT 8 januari 2008 · Nieuwe film David Verbeek in Tiger Awards Competitie · Filmfestival opent met Cordero de dios Het International Film Festival Rotterdam heeft vijftien debuut- of tweede speelfilms geselecteerd voor de VPRO Tiger Awards Competitie. Die omvat acht wereldpremières (waaronder Shanghai Trance van David Verbeek met onder meer Tygo Gernandt), twee internationale premières en vijf Europese premières. Vijf van de speelfilms zijn mede tot stand gekomen dankzij een bijdrage van het Hubert Bals Fonds. Voor de Tiger Awards Competitie voor Korte Films zijn twintig films geselecteerd, waaronder Nederlandse films van Anna Abrahams, Telcosystems en Francien van Everdingen. Het festival wordt 23 januari officieel geopend met de wereldpremière van Tiger Award-kandidaat Cordero de dios (Lamb of God) van Lucía Cedrón. Voor het publiek opent het festival diezelfde avond met Juno van Jason Reitman. Rutger Wolfson, directeur van het 37e filmfestival Rotterdam over de competitie: “Als weerspiegeling van de diversiteit in het programma van het IFFR, is deze competitie rijker dan ooit aan vorm, standpunten, herkomst en onderwerpen. De festivalprogrammeurs Ludmila Cvikova, Gerwin Tamsma en Gertjan Zuilhof hebben films gekozen die opvallen op visueel, formeel en verhalend niveau en die blijk geven van het onmiskenbare talent van hun makers. We zijn trots deze groep talentvolle filmmakers te presenteren in onze competitie, een platform dat de afgelopen dertien jaar al vele van hun collega’s heeft geïntroduceerd in de internationale filmwereld. Bij het samenstellen van de selectie werden we getroffen door de verscheidenheid aan verhalen, verteld op vele manieren, die ons meevoeren naar hart en ziel van personages in onder meer Kazakhstan, de Verenigde Staten, Zweden, Oekraïne, China, Griekenland en Chili. Deze Tiger Awards Competitie toont het filmmaken en de filmmakers van de toekomst.” “Voor mij is Cordero de dios een openingsfilm in de geest van het International Film Festival Rotterdam. De film van Lucía Cedrón, een productie van de ervaren Lita Stantic, is een uitzonderlijk geacheveerd speelfilmdebuut. Cordero de dios toont het verband tussen persoonlijke familieverhalen en de politiek-historische geschiedenis van haar land, Argentinië, op intelligente, beheerste en uiteindelijk emotionele wijze.” De officiële openingsfilm van het IFFR 2008 vertelt aangrijpend over de ontvoering van de 77-jarige Arturo in 2002, het jaar waarin Argentinië in economische crisis verkeert. Hierdoor is zijn dochter, die al sinds 1978 in ballingschap leeft, gedwongen naar Buenos Aires terug te keren. Langzamerhand klinkt het verleden door in het heden en komen recente gebeurtenissen in andere perspectieven te staan. Cordero de dios is ook geselecteerd voor de VPRO Tiger Awards Competitie 2008 en kwam mede tot stand dankzij een bijdrage van het Hubert Bals Fonds. De film is een productie van Lita Stantic, die eerder tegendraadse meesterwerken produceerde als Lucrecia Martels The Holy Girl (La nina santa, 2004) en Paz Encina’s Paraguayan Hammock (Hamaca Paraguaya, 2006). De Tiger Awards Jury die de winnende films kiest bestaat uit de Iraanse filmmaker en juryvoorzitter Jafar Panahi (wiens filmproject Return is geselecteerd voor de CineMart), de Russische filmmaker en actrice Renata Litvinova (te zien tijdens het festival in Kira Muratova’s Two in One), de adjunct-directeur van het Locarno Film Festival Tiziana Finzi,), de voormalige adjunct-directeur van het Filmmuseum in Amsterdam Rieks Hadders en uit Singapore, filmmaker Royston Tan (zijn speelfilm 881 en korte documentaire Sin Sai Hong worden vertoond tijdens het festival). De Tiger Awards Competitie voor Korte Films bestaat uit beeldend kunstenaar Moniek Toebosch, de programmeur van filmtheater en –distributeur Cinema Nova uit Brussel Katia Rossini en de Canadese video- en filmmaker Mike Hoolboom (zijn experimentele featurette School wordt vertoond tijdens het festival). De drie bekroonde korte films worden bekend gemaakt op maandag 28 januari en krijgen elk 3.000 euro. De drie winnende speelfilms worden uitgereikt tijdens de Award Ceremony op vrijdag 1 februari. Elke VPRO Tiger Award-winnaar krijgt 15.000 euro en de films worden uitgezonden door de VPRO. Het complete festivalprogramma verschijnt op donderdag 17 januari als bijlage bij de Volkskrant en online op De online kaartverkoop start in de nacht van vrijdag 18 op zaterdag 19 januari om 24.00 uur. De festivalkassa in de Doelen, Rotterdam, opent zaterdag 19 januari om 09.00 uur. De 15 films in de VPRO Tiger Awards Competitie 2008: (in alfabetische volgorde op internationale filmtitel) Eat, for This Is My Body (Mange, ceci est mon corps) by Michelange Quay (France/Haïti, 2007), European premiere Flower in the Pocket by Liew Seng Tat (Malaysia, 2007), European premiere Fujian Blue (Jin bi hui huang) by Weng Shou-ming (China, 2007), European premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film Go with Peace Jamil (Ma salama Jamil) by Omar Shargawi (Denmark, 2008), world premiere The King of Ping Pong (PingPong-Kingen) by Jens Jonsson (Sweden, 2007), European premiere Lam of God (Cordero de dios) by Lucía Cedrón (Argentina, 2008), world premiere, Opening Film, Hubert Bals Fund supported film Las meninas by Igor Podolchak & Dean Karr (Ukraine, 2008), world premiere Shanghai Trance by David Verbeek (The Netherlands, 2008), world premiere The Sky, the Earth and the Rain (El cielo, la tierra y la lluvia) by José Luis Torres Leiva (Chili, 2008), world premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film Strizh by Abai Kulbai (Kazakhstan 2007), international premiere Tale 52 (Istoria 52) by Alexiou Alexis (Greece, 2008), world premiere Waltz in Starlight (Hoshikageno Waltz) by Shingo Wakagi (Japan, 2007), international premiere Wellness by Jake Mahaffy (USA, 2008), world premiere Wonderful Town by Aditya Assarat (Thailand, 2007), European premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film Years When I Was a Child Outside (Taon noong ako’y anak sa labas) by John Torres (Philippines, 2008), world premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film De 20 korte films in de Tiger Awards Competitie voor Korte Films 2008: (in alfabetische volgorde op internationale filmtitel) 27,000 Days by Naveen Singh (USA, 2007), 10’, international premiere 5 Walks by Anna Abrahams (The Netherlands, 2008), 15’, world premiere The Adventure by Mike Brune (USA, 2008), 22’, world premiere Ah, Liberty! by Ben Rivers (UK, 2008), 20’, world premiere Allen Ginsberg Gives Great Head by X’Ho (Singapore, 2007), 15’, European premiere As I Lay Dying by Ho Yuhang (Malaysia, 2007), 10’, European premiere Batbox/Beatbox by Jani Ruscica (Finland, 2007), 17’, international premiere Dear Bill Gates by Sarah Christman (USA, 2006), 17’, European premiere Elements of Nothing by Makino Takashi (Japan, 2007), 19’, international premiere Foggy Mountains Break Down More Than Non Foggy Mountains by Jessie Stead (USA, 2006), 59’, European premiere Half Teaspoon (Setengah sendok the) by Ifa Isfansyah (Indonesia, 2008), 18’, world premiere Launch by Brian Doyle (USA, 2007), 24’, European premiere Loud_Things by Telcosystems (The Netherlands, 2008), 10’, world premiere Minot, North Dakota by Angelika Brudniak & Cynthia Madanski (USA, 2008), 18’, world premiere Mosaik mécanique by Norbert Pfaffenbichler (Austria, 2008), 9’, world premiere Nook & Cranny by Francien van Everdingen (The Netherlands, 2008), 3’, world premiere Observando el cielo by Jeanne Liotta (USA, 2007), 19’, European premiere The Rocket by Uruphong Raksasad (Thailand, 2007), 19’, European premiere Sketch Film #5 by Tomonari Nishikawa (USA, 2007), 3’, European premiere Vertigo Rush by Johann Lurf (Austria, 2007), 19’, international premiere (einde persbericht) Noten aan de redactie (niet voor publicatie) In bijlage: IFFR 2008 VPRO Tiger Awards Competitie met korte beschrijvingen en sales contacten. Persinformatie Shanghai Trance van David Verbeek: IdTV/Motel Films, Annemarie Simons,, 020-6386085 Persinformatie Juno van Jason Reitman: Fox Film Nederland, Ingeborg Tuinman,, 020 5106985 IFFR Persinformatie/beeldmateriaal/interviews: IFFR Press Office, Bert-Jan Zoet of Nancy van Oorschot +31 (10) 890 9090 or FACT SHEET De 15 films in de VPRO Tiger Awards Competitie 2008 (in alfabetische volgorde op internationale filmtitel) Eat, for This Is My Body (Mange, ceci est mon corps) by Michelange Quay (France/Haïti, 2007), European premiere Elegant, lyrical surrealism and restrained angry political pamphlet in one. Filmmaker from Haïti treats in breathtaking tableaux vivants the dramatic colonial heritage of his native country. With Sylvie Testud and a remarkable amateur cast. Sales: Memento Films, Flower in the Pocket by Liew Seng Tat (Malaysia, 2007), European premiere A film without a mother. A film with a father who has withdrawn into himself. And especially a film with two charming young crooks. Liew Seng Tat’s début feature film has an outspoken style of its own and is characterised by a melancholy absurdism and a slightly perverted cheerfulness. Flower in the Pocket was awarded in Pusan by both audience and Jury as Best Film in the New Currents Competition. Sales: Da Huang Pictures Sdn. Bhd., Fujian Blue (Jin bi hui huang) by Weng Shou-ming (China, 2007), European premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film Attractive, energetic and topical début feature film is situated in Fujian, one of the first Chinese provinces to be opened to the outside world and currently the nexus of modern day Chinese diaspora. First part tells about petty criminals who finance their modern life style with blackmail; the second part about a young man who doubts if he should try his luck in the West. Sales: Fantasy Pictures Entertainment, Go with Peace Jamil (Ma salama Jamil) by Omar Shargawi (Denmark, 2008), world premiere Go with Peace Jamil is about Arabic people in a Western country, in this case a city in Denmark. The story is based on the cultural, religious and traumatic ballast many people from the Middle East carry along when they arrive at their new home in the West. A family drama propelled by the power of family ties, loyalty among friends and the religious dividing lines within the Arabic communities. Sales: Trust Film Sales, The King of Ping Pong (PingPong-Kingen) by Jens Jonsson (Sweden, 2007), European premiere The life of adolescents: a classic basis for a début film and Jens Jonsson, who has already come to fame with his short films, proves with The King of Ping Pong that he can look at it from a very original perspective. In the wintry north of Sweden, adolescent Rille rules over his subjects in the local table-tennis centre but is bullied outside. This portrait of a boy whose consciousness about uneasy and unpleasant things slowly comes to the surface is recognisable, moving and funny. Sales: Bob Film Sweden AB, Lam of God (Cordero de dios) by Lucía Cedrón (Argentina, 2008), world premiere, Opening Film, Hubert Bals Fund supported film IFFR 2008’s Opening Night film, Lam of God tells a gripping family drama about the kidnap of 77-year old Arturo during Argentina’s economic crisis in 2002. This forces his daughter, who has been living in exile since 1978, to return to Buenos Aires. Little by little, the past is echoed in the present, reshaping the way current events are understood. Lucía Cedrón’s film stands out as an exceptionally sophisticated feature début. Sales: Lita Stantic Producciones, Las meninas by Igor Podolchak & Dean Karr (Ukraine, 2008), world premiere Feature film début by Ukrainian visual artist Igor Podolchak evokes a dysfunctional family life as if it were a painting in movement. One musical part is co-directed by well known music video director Dean Karr. Cutting-edge and enchanting, Las meninas is not a film about a story; it is a film about senses - you see, you hear, you almost touch it and you certainly experience the full strength of its flow. Sales: MF Films, Shanghai Trance by David Verbeek (The Netherlands, 2008), world premiere Young Dutch director made an almost entirely Chinese film in a metropolis where all is new and an outsider is not more lost then the locals. Shanghai Trance is a cinematic portrait of Shanghai in three interconnected love stories. Each layer of the film explores a different social layer of the city. All stories are about people between the age of 20 and 30, hereby shaping the face of a generation. Cast ao. Tygo Gernandt. Sales: IdtV Film/Motel Films, The Sky, the Earth and the Rain (El cielo, la tierra y la lluvia) by José Luis Torres Leiva (Chili, 2008), world premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film The first feature by Torres Leiva provides an idiosyncratic, pure contribution to a new Latin American wave of filmmakers. In the South of Chile, on a thinly populated island, he follows the lonely lives of three women and a man. The lyricism of Torres is self-assured and modest, his mise-en-scène is stunning and calm, his characters moving in their lonely, precise simplicity. Sales: Jirafa Films, Strizh by Abai Kulbai (Kazakhstan 2007), international premiere Strizh is a coming-of-age film that seems to be universal in theme. On the other hand though, it offers a chance to get to know the young generation in Almaty. One that is totally unaware of the Soviet past and in search of its own identity. Kulbai’s début feature film is shot in the tradition of modern Kazakh cinema, but has a very personal style that stands out. Teenage girl Ainur struggles with her life, her only resort to peace seems to be her father. Sales: Kazakhfilm National Company, Tale 52 (Istoria 52) by Alexiou Alexis (Greece, 2008), world premiere Right from the start, Tale 52 puts the perception of truth of both the protagonist and the viewer to the test. Iasonas meets Penelope at a dinner with mutual friends. At some point Penelope moves in with him. Until, one morning, she has disappeared. Despite his outspoken visual language, Alexis Alexiou leaves the viewer uncertain about the origins of the emotional suffering of the timid looking Iasonas. His feature début turns into a psychological thriller without deliverance. Sales: Tugo Tugo Productions, Waltz in Starlight (Hoshikageno Waltz) by Shingo Wakagi (Japan, 2007), international premiere A first feature by a photographer with an experienced and trained eye. This personal film reconstructs an episode from the childhood of the photographer/filmmaker, focusing largely on his admired grandfather, a performer of Manzai, a specific Japanese form of stand-up comedy. Succesful in creating an authentic mood, Shingo Wakagi creates the images that translate his memories to the screen. Sales: Tohokushinsha Film Corporation, Wellness by Jake Mahaffy (USA, 2008), world premiere At first sight, Thomas Lindsey is an ordinary man. Less usual is his sales campaign for a fake product. Wellness is a strong and unpolished low-budget film about the conflicts of conscience a lonely man faces after realizing he has been cheated out of his life’s savings. In the town of Warren the inhabitants, none of them professional actors, played almost all the roles. The film is not a documentary, but that is how it was shot, providing an unusually realistic effect. Sales: Jake Mahaffy, Wonderful Town by Aditya Assarat (Thailand, 2007), European premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film Wonderful Town, a Pusan New Currents Award winner, is situated in a Thai village that never recovered from the 2004 tsunami devastation. In the refined treatment of these sad surroundings, something beautiful and fragile emerges between an architect who monitors a reconstruction project and the sensitive hotel owner. Slowly, violence and drama also emerge in the film. Sales: Memento Films, Years When I Was a Child Outside (Taon noong ako’y anak sa labas) by John Torres (Philippines, 2008), world premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film This poetic, complex and personal film, is both a diary and an essay about the relationship between the film maker and his father, an author and seller of self-help books. After discovering his father has another complete family alongside his own, the son flees the house. A contemplative travelogue about a quest with which he tries to create order in the chaos, Years When I Was a Child Outside begins against the background of the damage caused by a super typhoon in Manila. Sales: Peliculas Los Otros,

PERSBERICHT 8 januari 2008

· Nieuwe film David Verbeek in Tiger Awards Competitie
· Filmfestival opent met Cordero de dios

Het International Film Festival Rotterdam heeft vijftien debuut- of tweede speelfilms geselecteerd voor de VPRO Tiger Awards Competitie. Die omvat acht wereldpremières (waaronder Shanghai Trance van David Verbeek met onder meer Tygo Gernandt), twee internationale premières en vijf Europese premières. Vijf van de speelfilms zijn mede tot stand gekomen dankzij een bijdrage van het Hubert Bals Fonds. Voor de Tiger Awards Competitie voor Korte Films zijn twintig films geselecteerd, waaronder Nederlandse films van Anna Abrahams, Telcosystems en Francien van Everdingen.
Het festival wordt 23 januari officieel geopend met de wereldpremière van Tiger Award-kandidaat Cordero de dios (Lamb of God) van Lucía Cedrón. Voor het publiek opent het festival diezelfde avond met Juno van Jason Reitman.

Rutger Wolfson, directeur van het 37e filmfestival Rotterdam over de competitie: “Als weerspiegeling van de diversiteit in het programma van het IFFR, is deze competitie rijker dan ooit aan vorm, standpunten, herkomst en onderwerpen. De festivalprogrammeurs Ludmila Cvikova, Gerwin Tamsma en Gertjan Zuilhof hebben films gekozen die opvallen op visueel, formeel en verhalend niveau en die blijk geven van het onmiskenbare talent van hun makers. We zijn trots deze groep talentvolle filmmakers te presenteren in onze competitie, een platform dat de afgelopen dertien jaar al vele van hun collega’s heeft geïntroduceerd in de internationale filmwereld. Bij het samenstellen van de selectie werden we getroffen door de verscheidenheid aan verhalen, verteld op vele manieren, die ons meevoeren naar hart en ziel van personages in onder meer Kazakhstan, de Verenigde Staten, Zweden, Oekraïne, China, Griekenland en Chili. Deze Tiger Awards Competitie toont het filmmaken en de filmmakers van de toekomst.”

“Voor mij is Cordero de dios een openingsfilm in de geest van het International Film Festival Rotterdam. De film van Lucía Cedrón, een productie van de ervaren Lita Stantic, is een uitzonderlijk geacheveerd speelfilmdebuut. Cordero de dios toont het verband tussen persoonlijke familieverhalen en de politiek-historische geschiedenis van haar land, Argentinië, op intelligente, beheerste en uiteindelijk emotionele wijze.”

De officiële openingsfilm van het IFFR 2008 vertelt aangrijpend over de ontvoering van de 77-jarige Arturo in 2002, het jaar waarin Argentinië in economische crisis verkeert. Hierdoor is zijn dochter, die al sinds 1978 in ballingschap leeft, gedwongen naar Buenos Aires terug te keren. Langzamerhand klinkt het verleden door in het heden en komen recente gebeurtenissen in andere perspectieven te staan. Cordero de dios is ook geselecteerd voor de VPRO Tiger Awards Competitie 2008 en kwam mede tot stand dankzij een bijdrage van het Hubert Bals Fonds. De film is een productie van Lita Stantic, die eerder tegendraadse meesterwerken produceerde als Lucrecia Martels The Holy Girl (La nina santa, 2004) en Paz Encina’s Paraguayan Hammock (Hamaca Paraguaya, 2006).

De Tiger Awards Jury die de winnende films kiest bestaat uit de Iraanse filmmaker en juryvoorzitter Jafar Panahi (wiens filmproject Return is geselecteerd voor de CineMart), de Russische filmmaker en actrice Renata Litvinova (te zien tijdens het festival in Kira Muratova’s Two in One), de adjunct-directeur van het Locarno Film Festival Tiziana Finzi,), de voormalige adjunct-directeur van het Filmmuseum in Amsterdam Rieks Hadders en uit Singapore, filmmaker Royston Tan (zijn speelfilm 881 en korte documentaire Sin Sai Hong worden vertoond tijdens het festival).

De Tiger Awards Competitie voor Korte Films bestaat uit beeldend kunstenaar Moniek Toebosch, de programmeur van filmtheater en –distributeur Cinema Nova uit Brussel Katia Rossini en de Canadese video- en filmmaker Mike Hoolboom (zijn experimentele featurette School wordt vertoond tijdens het festival).

De drie bekroonde korte films worden bekend gemaakt op maandag 28 januari en krijgen elk 3.000 euro. De drie winnende speelfilms worden uitgereikt tijdens de Award Ceremony op vrijdag 1 februari. Elke VPRO Tiger Award-winnaar krijgt 15.000 euro en de films worden uitgezonden door de VPRO.

Het complete festivalprogramma verschijnt op donderdag 17 januari als bijlage bij de Volkskrant en online op De online kaartverkoop start in de nacht van vrijdag 18 op zaterdag 19 januari om 24.00 uur. De festivalkassa in de Doelen, Rotterdam, opent zaterdag 19 januari om 09.00 uur.

De 15 films in de VPRO Tiger Awards Competitie 2008:
(in alfabetische volgorde op internationale filmtitel)

Eat, for This Is My Body (Mange, ceci est mon corps) by Michelange Quay (France/Haïti, 2007), European premiere

Flower in the Pocket by Liew Seng Tat (Malaysia, 2007), European premiere

Fujian Blue (Jin bi hui huang) by Weng Shou-ming (China, 2007), European premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film

Go with Peace Jamil (Ma salama Jamil) by Omar Shargawi (Denmark, 2008), world premiere

The King of Ping Pong (PingPong-Kingen) by Jens Jonsson (Sweden, 2007), European premiere

Lam of God (Cordero de dios) by Lucía Cedrón (Argentina, 2008), world premiere, Opening Film, Hubert Bals Fund supported film

Las meninas by Igor Podolchak & Dean Karr (Ukraine, 2008), world premiere

Shanghai Trance by David Verbeek (The Netherlands, 2008), world premiere

The Sky, the Earth and the Rain (El cielo, la tierra y la lluvia) by José Luis Torres Leiva (Chili, 2008), world premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film

Strizh by Abai Kulbai (Kazakhstan 2007), international premiere

Tale 52 (Istoria 52) by Alexiou Alexis (Greece, 2008), world premiere

Waltz in Starlight (Hoshikageno Waltz) by Shingo Wakagi (Japan, 2007), international premiere

Wellness by Jake Mahaffy (USA, 2008), world premiere

Wonderful Town by Aditya Assarat (Thailand, 2007), European premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film

Years When I Was a Child Outside (Taon noong ako’y anak sa labas) by John Torres (Philippines, 2008), world premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film

De 20 korte films in de Tiger Awards Competitie voor Korte Films 2008:
(in alfabetische volgorde op internationale filmtitel)

27,000 Days by Naveen Singh (USA, 2007), 10’, international premiere

5 Walks by Anna Abrahams (The Netherlands, 2008), 15’, world premiere

The Adventure by Mike Brune (USA, 2008), 22’, world premiere

Ah, Liberty! by Ben Rivers (UK, 2008), 20’, world premiere

Allen Ginsberg Gives Great Head by X’Ho (Singapore, 2007), 15’, European premiere

As I Lay Dying by Ho Yuhang (Malaysia, 2007), 10’, European premiere

Batbox/Beatbox by Jani Ruscica (Finland, 2007), 17’, international premiere

Dear Bill Gates by Sarah Christman (USA, 2006), 17’, European premiere

Elements of Nothing by Makino Takashi (Japan, 2007), 19’, international premiere

Foggy Mountains Break Down More Than Non Foggy Mountains by Jessie Stead (USA, 2006), 59’, European premiere

Half Teaspoon (Setengah sendok the) by Ifa Isfansyah (Indonesia, 2008), 18’, world premiere

Launch by Brian Doyle (USA, 2007), 24’, European premiere

Loud_Things by Telcosystems (The Netherlands, 2008), 10’, world premiere

Minot, North Dakota by Angelika Brudniak & Cynthia Madanski (USA, 2008), 18’, world premiere

Mosaik mécanique by Norbert Pfaffenbichler (Austria, 2008), 9’, world premiere

Nook & Cranny by Francien van Everdingen (The Netherlands, 2008), 3’, world premiere

Observando el cielo by Jeanne Liotta (USA, 2007), 19’, European premiere

The Rocket by Uruphong Raksasad (Thailand, 2007), 19’, European premiere

Sketch Film #5 by Tomonari Nishikawa (USA, 2007), 3’, European premiere

Vertigo Rush by Johann Lurf (Austria, 2007), 19’, international premiere

(einde persbericht)

Noten aan de redactie (niet voor publicatie)

In bijlage: IFFR 2008 VPRO Tiger Awards Competitie met korte beschrijvingen en sales contacten.

Persinformatie Shanghai Trance van David Verbeek: IdTV/Motel Films, Annemarie Simons,, 020-6386085

Persinformatie Juno van Jason Reitman: Fox Film Nederland, Ingeborg Tuinman,, 020 5106985

IFFR Persinformatie/beeldmateriaal/interviews: IFFR Press Office, Bert-Jan Zoet of Nancy van Oorschot
+31 (10) 890 9090 or


De 15 films in de VPRO Tiger Awards Competitie 2008
(in alfabetische volgorde op internationale filmtitel)

Eat, for This Is My Body (Mange, ceci est mon corps) by Michelange Quay (France/Haïti, 2007), European premiere

Elegant, lyrical surrealism and restrained angry political pamphlet in one. Filmmaker from Haïti treats in breathtaking tableaux vivants the dramatic colonial heritage of his native country. With Sylvie Testud and a remarkable amateur cast.
Sales: Memento Films,

Flower in the Pocket by Liew Seng Tat (Malaysia, 2007), European premiere

A film without a mother. A film with a father who has withdrawn into himself. And especially a film with two charming young crooks. Liew Seng Tat’s début feature film has an outspoken style of its own and is characterised by a melancholy absurdism and a slightly perverted cheerfulness. Flower in the Pocket was awarded in Pusan by both audience and Jury as Best Film in the New Currents Competition.
Sales: Da Huang Pictures Sdn. Bhd.,

Fujian Blue (Jin bi hui huang) by Weng Shou-ming (China, 2007), European premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film

Attractive, energetic and topical début feature film is situated in Fujian, one of the first Chinese provinces to be opened to the outside world and currently the nexus of modern day Chinese diaspora. First part tells about petty criminals who finance their modern life style with blackmail; the second part about a young man who doubts if he should try his luck in the West.
Sales: Fantasy Pictures Entertainment,

Go with Peace Jamil (Ma salama Jamil) by Omar Shargawi (Denmark, 2008), world premiere

Go with Peace Jamil is about Arabic people in a Western country, in this case a city in Denmark. The story is based on the cultural, religious and traumatic ballast many people from the Middle East carry along when they arrive at their new home in the West. A family drama propelled by the power of family ties, loyalty among friends and the religious dividing lines within the Arabic communities.
Sales: Trust Film Sales,

The King of Ping Pong (PingPong-Kingen) by Jens Jonsson (Sweden, 2007), European premiere

The life of adolescents: a classic basis for a début film and Jens Jonsson, who has already come to fame with his short films, proves with The King of Ping Pong that he can look at it from a very original perspective. In the wintry north of Sweden, adolescent Rille rules over his subjects in the local table-tennis centre but is bullied outside. This portrait of a boy whose consciousness about uneasy and unpleasant things slowly comes to the surface is recognisable, moving and funny.
Sales: Bob Film Sweden AB,

Lam of God (Cordero de dios) by Lucía Cedrón (Argentina, 2008), world premiere, Opening Film, Hubert Bals Fund supported film

IFFR 2008’s Opening Night film, Lam of God tells a gripping family drama about the kidnap of 77-year old Arturo during Argentina’s economic crisis in 2002. This forces his daughter, who has been living in exile since 1978, to return to Buenos Aires. Little by little, the past is echoed in the present, reshaping the way current events are understood. Lucía Cedrón’s film stands out as an exceptionally sophisticated feature début.
Sales: Lita Stantic Producciones,

Las meninas by Igor Podolchak & Dean Karr (Ukraine, 2008), world premiere

Feature film début by Ukrainian visual artist Igor Podolchak evokes a dysfunctional family life as if it were a painting in movement. One musical part is co-directed by well known music video director Dean Karr. Cutting-edge and enchanting, Las meninas is not a film about a story; it is a film about senses - you see, you hear, you almost touch it and you certainly experience the full strength of its flow.
Sales: MF Films,

Shanghai Trance by David Verbeek (The Netherlands, 2008), world premiere

Young Dutch director made an almost entirely Chinese film in a metropolis where all is new and an outsider is not more lost then the locals. Shanghai Trance is a cinematic portrait of Shanghai in three interconnected love stories. Each layer of the film explores a different social layer of the city. All stories are about people between the age of 20 and 30, hereby shaping the face of a generation. Cast ao. Tygo Gernandt.
Sales: IdtV Film/Motel Films,

The Sky, the Earth and the Rain (El cielo, la tierra y la lluvia) by José Luis Torres Leiva (Chili, 2008), world premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film

The first feature by Torres Leiva provides an idiosyncratic, pure contribution to a new Latin American wave of filmmakers. In the South of Chile, on a thinly populated island, he follows the lonely lives of three women and a man. The lyricism of Torres is self-assured and modest, his mise-en-scène is stunning and calm, his characters moving in their lonely, precise simplicity.
Sales: Jirafa Films,

Strizh by Abai Kulbai (Kazakhstan 2007), international premiere

Strizh is a coming-of-age film that seems to be universal in theme. On the other hand though, it offers a chance to get to know the young generation in Almaty. One that is totally unaware of the Soviet past and in search of its own identity. Kulbai’s début feature film is shot in the tradition of modern Kazakh cinema, but has a very personal style that stands out. Teenage girl Ainur struggles with her life, her only resort to peace seems to be her father.
Sales: Kazakhfilm National Company,

Tale 52 (Istoria 52) by Alexiou Alexis (Greece, 2008), world premiere

Right from the start, Tale 52 puts the perception of truth of both the protagonist and the viewer to the test. Iasonas meets Penelope at a dinner with mutual friends. At some point Penelope moves in with him. Until, one morning, she has disappeared. Despite his outspoken visual language, Alexis Alexiou leaves the viewer uncertain about the origins of the emotional suffering of the timid looking Iasonas. His feature début turns into a psychological thriller without deliverance.
Sales: Tugo Tugo Productions,

Waltz in Starlight (Hoshikageno Waltz) by Shingo Wakagi (Japan, 2007), international premiere

A first feature by a photographer with an experienced and trained eye. This personal film reconstructs an episode from the childhood of the photographer/filmmaker, focusing largely on his admired grandfather, a performer of Manzai, a specific Japanese form of stand-up comedy. Succesful in creating an authentic mood, Shingo Wakagi creates the images that translate his memories to the screen.
Sales: Tohokushinsha Film Corporation,

Wellness by Jake Mahaffy (USA, 2008), world premiere

At first sight, Thomas Lindsey is an ordinary man. Less usual is his sales campaign for a fake product. Wellness is a strong and unpolished low-budget film about the conflicts of conscience a lonely man faces after realizing he has been cheated out of his life’s savings. In the town of Warren the inhabitants, none of them professional actors, played almost all the roles. The film is not a documentary, but that is how it was shot, providing an unusually realistic effect.
Sales: Jake Mahaffy,

Wonderful Town by Aditya Assarat (Thailand, 2007), European premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film

Wonderful Town, a Pusan New Currents Award winner, is situated in a Thai village that never recovered from the 2004 tsunami devastation. In the refined treatment of these sad surroundings, something beautiful and fragile emerges between an architect who monitors a reconstruction project and the sensitive hotel owner. Slowly, violence and drama also emerge in the film.
Sales: Memento Films,

Years When I Was a Child Outside (Taon noong ako’y anak sa labas) by John Torres (Philippines, 2008), world premiere, Hubert Bals Fund supported film

This poetic, complex and personal film, is both a diary and an essay about the relationship between the film maker and his father, an author and seller of self-help books. After discovering his father has another complete family alongside his own, the son flees the house. A contemplative travelogue about a quest with which he tries to create order in the chaos, Years When I Was a Child Outside begins against the background of the damage caused by a super typhoon in Manila.
Sales: Peliculas Los Otros,

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